Aims and scope

The variability of the space around us holds underlying patterns. These are found across bio-physical and anthropogenic forms and allow for the interconnectedness of the natural and social systems. Science is the millennial endeavor to identify these patterns.

The aim of GeoPatterns is to build a framework for the holistic understanding of our planet and its natural and social environments, by identifying the underlying patterns that form our world.

GeoPatterns is an interdisciplinary and international journal open to all branches of spatially integrated geosciences and humanities and is devoted to publishing innovative, inter- and transdisciplinary research work from around the world.

In addition to research papers GeoPatterns publishes reviews, research notes, and reports. Original and relevant contributions to the area of natural and social science from a geographical perspective are expected to be submitted.

In terms of Publication Ethics and Malpractice, GeoPatterns follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing. The documents which are supporting this approach are the COPE Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors ( and the COPE Core Practices (

GeoPattern is published twice a year, the online (DOI-assigned) editions being available in April and November. The editors and reviewers aim at handling the manuscripts through a peer-review - publication - acceptance procedure of no longer then four months.

The publisher of GeoPatterns is committed to a permanent availability and preservation of all the published materials and in the meantime, it ensures the accessibility by maintaining its own digital archive. All the published issues and individual articles are freely accessible in .pdf format.