Floods, State, Dams and Dykes in Modern Times: Ecological and Socio-economic Transformations of the Rural World
18-20 June 2015, Bucharest
New Europe College-Institute for Advanced Study
Organizing institutions: Francisc I. Rainer Institute of Anthropology Bucharest, New Europe College-Institute for Advanced Study and the Center of Risk Studies, Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest
Conveners: Ştefan DORONDEL, Stelu ŞERBAN and Iuliana ARMAŞ
9:30-11:30 Session 1
Moderator: Ştefan DORONDEL
James C. SCOTT (Yale University, USA): The State and the History of Rivers: In Praise of Floods
Michael CERNEA (University of Washington, USA, Fellow of the Romanian Academy): Bangladesh: The State, Shifting Rivers, Floods, and Impoverishment Risks - Is Population Resettlement the Solution?
11:30-12:00 Coffee break
Parallel session of posters: Bucharest – a Vulnerable City
12:00-14:00 Session 2
Moderator: Oana IVAN
D. NOWACKI and J. WUNDERLICH (Department of Physical Geography, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany): Palaeolake Sediments in the Lower Danube Valley Reflecting Palaeoecological Changes and Human Impact during the Holocene
David J.H. BLAKE (Independent researcher, UK): Exporting Dams, Polders and Pumps: Transforming Nature and Society through a Hydraulic Mission in the Thai Periphery
Eckehard PISTRICK (Martin-Luther University Halle, Germany): Rhetorics and Practices of Modernization - Albania's Hydropower Stations as Symbolic Constructions of Multiple Modernities
Fillippo MENGA (Tallinn University, Estonia): Big Is Better, Or How Governments Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Megaprojects
14:00-15:15 Lunch
15:15-17:15 Session 3
Moderator: Mara RUSU
Tanya RICHARDSON (Wilfried Laurier University, Canada): Challenges to Soviet-Era Water Infrastructures in Ukraine: Restoring Ecologies between the Danube and the Black Sea
Stelu ŞERBAN (Institute for South-East European Studies, Bucharest, Romania): Communal Ecology and Natural Restoration on the Danube
Cristian TETELEA (WWF Romania): Programs of Nature Restoration Programs along the Lower Danube
Heliodoro OCHOA-GARCIA and Stefan RIST (Center for Development and Environment, University of Bern, Switzerland): Hydraulic Projects, State And Society: Water Conflicts And Sustainable Governance In Western Mexico
18:15 Dinner
9:30-11:30 Session 1
Moderator: Oana MATEESCU
Sue TAPSELL (Middlesex University, London): Taking Control: Empowering Communities for Local Flood Risk Management in the UK
Heinz GUTSCHER (University of Zurich, Switzerland): The Role of Affect in Communicating Flood Risks in Switzerland
Iuliana ARMAŞ, R. Ionescu, and Cristina Posner (Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest): Flood Risk Perception along the Lower Danube River
11:30-12:00 Coffee Break
Parallel session of posters: Bucharest – a Vulnerable City
12:00-14:00 Session 2
Moderator: Iuliana ARMAŞ
Catherine ASHCRAFT (Department of Natural Resources and the Environment University of New Hampshire, SUA): Negotiating Tradeoffs in Adaptive and Integrated Approaches to Flood Risk Management
Predrag MILJKOVIC, Mirjana TODOSIJEVIĆ, Jelena BELOICA, Dragan ČAKMAK, Vukašin MILČANOVIĆ, Ratko KADOVIĆ, Sne?ana BELANOVIĆ SIMIĆ (Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade, Serbia): Floods Impacts On Soil Properties And Local Community In River Kolubara Catchment
Mariana and Valentin NIKOLOV (National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography and Geological Institute “St. Dimitrov”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences): Flood Risk from Small Dams in Bulgaria: Case Studies from Catastrophic Dam Abruption in Municipalities Tsar Kaloyan and Harmanli
Eeva SINERJOKI (University of Turku, Finland): Kokemäenjoki-River is the Most Challenging Flood Area in Finland - The Effects of Flood Protection on the Population, Building Instructions and the Leisure Use of The River
14:00-15:15 Lunch
15:15-17:15 Session 3
Moderator: Stelu ŞERBAN
Ştefan DORONDEL and Oana IVAN (Francisc I. Rainer Institute of Anthropology Bucharest, Romania): The History and the Ethnography of a Flood: Power and Environmental (In)Justice in Romania
Ali NOBIL AHMAD (Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, Germany): Flood-Causality and Post-Colonial States: The 2010 Disaster In Pakistan’s Southern Punjab
Töhötöm Árpád SZABÓ (Babeş–Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania): Floods, Dikes, Ethnic Groups And States: The Political Anthropology of a Natural Disaster
Oana MATEESCU (Faculty of Sociology, University of Bucharest, Romania): Flooding After Deforestation: Evidentiary and Causal Textures in Vrancea’s Forest Commons
Discussions concerning a future publication
19:00 Dinner
Field Trip in Brashlen, Northern Bulgaria, to visit a site along the Danube which was recently ecologically reconstructed. Presentation of the site by experts of the Rusenski Lom Nature Park